Buzzing on Broadway!
May 11, 2023
There has been a continued buzz of activity at Steep Hill Co-op this week. So many positive vibes and optimism in and around our little store on Broadway! We hope that you have had a chance to stop by to take in that energy and stock up on wonderful, fresh produce and other staples!
The Directors have been meeting weekly since our election on April 24. We have covered a lot of ground, and we’ll tell you about some of that in this update. We still have a great deal of work to do before the AGM in late June. But we are moving rapidly toward the implementation of many very good things.
By the date of the AGM, the interim Board wants to present to the membership, a Steep Hill Co-operative that is financially solvent and capably managed with a stable and reliable number of suppliers of fresh, sustainable and, where possible, local food products. We also want to have in place some modernizations and efficiencies to make your shopping experience comfortable, easy and something that you look forward to doing. Shopping for nourishing, tasty food for yourself and those you love should be a rewarding and satisfying process in a warm and inviting setting! We want you to come back often, and to tell your friends and neighbors that shopping at Steep Hill is something that you look forward to, and that they should do it as well!

As with any co-operative, our membership is our foundation. Increasing the number or current members, as well as the overall number of people who choose Steep Hill for their weekly shop is crucial to the future of the organization. Most of you will know Scott and Sammy. We are so lucky to have them as the first faces you see when you walk through the door! Their dedication to Steep Hill and their desire to see it thrive and be part of that success is evident. We are excited to share with you, that they have agreed to combine their knowledge of the store with their photography, video and graphic design skills in a six-week social media publicity drive. They will be communicating Steep Hill’s progress and promotions on various platforms, with updates on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and other sites. Stop by the store and let them know why you love to shop at Steep Hill. They will be looking for stories that help us get the good word about Steep Hill out there.
We’re very happy to let you know that some money from the “Go Fund Me” has already been allocated towards improvements. We have purchased of a number of bulk food dispensers that will provide contact-free dispensing of dried items such as pasta, nuts, seeds and legumes and will eliminate the need for the large bulk bins that occupy a large area near the front of the store. This improvement was frequently suggested in the completed Member Surveys. We agree that it will be a huge step forward, for convenience, efficiency and product quality reasons, and also from an aesthetic point of view.
Keep watch for a new Point of Sale (POS) system which will be installed and up and running in the next few weeks. This system will include a digital scale and customer display at the check-out counter. Staff and volunteers are as excited as we are about this improvement. This is a huge step towards modernizing inventory control, increasing staff efficiencies and enhancing your experience as a Steep Hill shopper. We can’t wait to show it off!
We would like to extend our gratitude, once again, to all of you who have donated to the “Go Fund Me” campaign, or left donation cheques at the store or with one of the Board members. We are humbled by your generosity and determination to keep Steep Hill’s doors open. And open they are! All told, almost $40,000 has been donated so far! We are so close to our goal of $50,000 – if you haven’t already donated to this amazing effort, please consider doing so today. If you prefer to donate by cheque you are certainly encouraged to leave one with Scott or Sammy at the store. Make it out to Steep Hill Food Co-op, and write “donation” in the memo line. If you would like to meet with one of the Board members who will receive your donation on behalf of Steep Hill, we’d be more than happy to meet with you. Contact us at
There is still time to head over to our “Working together” survey and have your say. All completed surveys are read, and ideas and comments are tabulated and shared with the Board. These suggestions and insights are crucial to the successful future of Steep Hill, and the information that we are getting from these surveys is valued and appreciated. The Survey will be open for another week until May 20th. We’d love to hear from you. Together we can ensure that Steep Hill thrives for years ahead.
Don’t forget about early opening on Tuesdays! Every Tuesday, Steep Hill will be open from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. We’d love to see you bright and early this Tuesday morning. We plan to have some delicious spring produce in stock just for you. Monday and Wednesday to Saturday hours remain noon to 7:00 p.m. and Sunday hours are 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
And last, but by no means least: Another giant thank you to our amazing team of volunteers! You guys rock! Honestly!
Ann Smith,
On behalf of the Steep Hill Interim Board